Sir William Ramsay School

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While attending Sir William Ramsay School students in English will develop their skills in reading, writing and oral communication through exploration of literature from a wide span of time periods and around the world.  Our accessible curriculum is designed to encourage aspirational thinking and nurture students’ confidence in communicating with others, through a variety of media forms, in order to equip students with the knowledge needed to be well-rounded global citizens, preparing students for success at Sir William Ramsay School and in the wider community. 

English is a fantastic and powerful subject: it helps us put our dreams into words, to communicate our pain, to help and inspire others or to wound.  Moreover, gaining your English GCSE qualification will give you more options in your adult life.  

The Curriculum 

KS3  - Years 7/8 & 9 

With the demands of 9-1, we ensure that all the skills required are addressed and built upon during KS3.  Developing pupils’ communication skills, the essential reading, writing, speaking and listening, we encourage their creativity and exploration of the subject.  All students are given the best opportunities to reach their potential.  Students follow the reading programme Accelerated Reader during their library lessons as well as group reading session to develop discussion and oracy.  

KS4 - Years 10 & 11 

Students in KS4 complete a comprehensive study of skills and literature to prepare them for life long learning and complete examinations of English Language and English Literature GCSE with AQA. This exam board requires students to sit four GCSE papers, two language and two literature, and also complete a Speaking and Listening Endorsement.  

All Key Stage 4 students study the following literature texts; Macbeth by William Shakespeare, An Inspector Calls by J.B Priestley and A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.  

KS5 - Sixth Form  

We have a thriving English Literature A Level course taken with AQA, which covers a wide range of poetry, prose and Shakespeare in the ‘Aspects of Tragedy’ element and contemporary literature in ‘Social and Political protest’ studies.  Students are encouraged to discuss and debate perspectives in their lively A Level classes. Our Sixth Form offers an individualised approach to students, meaning students have the benefit of smaller class sizes, two dedicated members of staff and regular opportunities for personalised feedback and support.   

Curriculum Maps

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Year 12

Year 13

Grade Descriptors

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9



AQA English Literature Resources

AQA English Language Resources


A Christmas Carol Booklet

An Inspector Calls Exam Resource Booklet - Jan 2024

An Inspector Calls Revision & Study Guide

Glossary of Terms

Language Revision & Practice Tasks

Macbeth Revision Booklet

Mr Bruff's YouTube Channel - To Supplement Revision

Power & Conflict Exam Resource Booklet - Jan 2024

Power & Conflict Revisions

Year 11 & 12 Transition Booklet