Sir William Ramsay School

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We have a committed, enthusiastic and dedicated group of Governors who are a key aspect of the leadership and management of the school.  While Governors do not get involved in the daily running of the school they hold the Head of School and other leaders to account.

The three key area roles of a Governing Body are to:

  • Provide strategic direction for the school;
  • Support the Head of School and constantly look to raise standards;
  • Ensure accountability.

This means that Governors get involved in:

  • Deciding how the budget should be spent and ensuring good value for money;
  • Making sure the curriculum provides for and stretches all students;
  • Making sure the school buildings are welcoming, safe and well used;
  • Setting and monitoring the schools values, aims and policies;
  • Appointing staff and making sure the right development and reward arrangements are in place.

Although Governors do not need specialist skills to carry out their role, we are lucky to have a wide range of highly experienced Governors who work together as a team to set high expectations and ask challenging questions.

Should parents/carers wish to make contact with Governors, please


Governors (ID 1312)

  • Mr Keith Deane
    Chair Appointed Governor
  • Mr Stuart Carter
    Vice Chair
  • Margaret Baptiste
    Appointed Governor
  • Mr Derrick Chan
    Co-opted Governor Careers Link
  • Mr Tony Hill
    Appointed Governor
  • Beverley Jewell
    Co-opted Governor SEND Link
  • Mr Will Rodbourne
    Staff Governor

Sir William Ramsay School became part of Insignis Academy Trust (IAT) in 2024.  IAT is a Buckinghamshire based multi academy trust comprising of six schools - Princes Risborough School, Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School, The Kingsbrook School, The Mandeville School and Ashmead Combined School.  Insignis is Latin for “outstanding” or “remarkable” which is the ambition for all IAT schools.

IAT Vision:        To provide an exceptional educational experience for young people locally

Governance at school level is delegated to a Local Governing Body which supports and challenges the school in driving aspirations, outcomes and personal development for all students.

www. for more information about the Trust. 

Governance Documents including Articles of Association

  Key governance documents for all IAT schools are available on the IAT website.

Annual Report and Financial Statements

 IAT Annual Report and Financial Statements are available on the IAT website. Information on Executive Pay Reporting and Financial Benchmarking is also available.

 Sir William Ramsay - Financial Statement 2022-2023

Governors Pecuniary Interests and Meeting Attendance

LGB Governors pecuniary interests and meeting attendance are available on the IAT website.