Sir William Ramsay School

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Attitude To Learning

We have an ATL system for all year groups.

Every Half Term, all teachers are asked to give an ATL score to every student they teach.  The new system has a score from 1 to 4, with 1 being exceptional and 4 unacceptable.  The expectation is that all students attain at least 2 (good) but those who are slightly inconsistent maybe scored a 3.  If a student has been scored a 3, the member of staff will then indicate if this relates to effort, behaviour, homework or organisation. 

These ATL scores will be used by the teaching staff and Heads of Year to monitor any issues and intervene appropriately. 


You may see this abbreviation on a students behaviour log, below is what this means and how it is implemented.

School Discipline

According to the nature and seriousness of the problem and disciplinary measures will be taken by a member of staff, a Head of (Subject) Department, the appropriate Head of Year, the Assistant Headteacher, the Deputy Head or the Headteacher.

Indiscipline may lead to any or all of the following sanctions:

  • Appropriate advice and counselling 
  • A sever reprimand 
  • Contact and discussion with parents/carers 
  • Proposed contact with outside agencies 
  • Detention after normal school hours 
  • The use of a daily disciplinary report 
  • Withdrawal from lessons 
  • Exclusion from School (fixed term or permanent)

Home School Agreement

Equipment List