Sir William Ramsay School

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New Year 7

A Warm Welcome to Sir William Ramsay School

We are delighted that you are now part of our cohort of students and we hope his web page will provide you with some information in preparation for school life at Sir William Ramsay School.  

Student Handbook

The SWR Year 7 Student Handbook provides general information and guidance you may need to help you to make the most of the opportunities on offer at Sir William Ramsay School.  It also gives you formal notification and explanation of the school’s codes, regulations, policies and procedures.

Parent/Carer & Student Information Handbook 2024-2025

Useful Resources

5 Tips For Starting Secondary School

Top 10 Tips for Parents/Carers Transition

Young Minds - Helping You Child Manage The Move From Primary To Secondary School

Building Resilience Information for Parents and Carers

BBC Bitesize - Starting Secondary School

BBC Bitesize - Transitions

Free School Meal Application Form

Admissions Paperwork 2024/2025